Co-Solvent Systems

Co-Solvent emerges as a versatile and potent vapor degreasing process capable of effectively cleaning a diverse range of substrates. This innovative cleaning solution serves as an ideal chlorine-free option for various applications, including electronics cleaning, post-processing in 3D printing/additive manufacturing, dewaxing, and plastics cleaning. With Baron Blakeslee Co-Solvent Vapor Degreasers, equipped with customizable options, industries can achieve superior cleaning results tailored to their specific needs.

A Simple, 3-Step Process

1. Solvating Agent Soak: Parts undergo soaking in the boiling sump filled with a mixture of the solvating agent and fluorocarbon vapor degreasing solvent, serving as the rinse agent. These solvating agents, carefully selected organic hydrocarbon chemistries, target specific soils such as oils, fluxes, solder pastes, and more. Co-Solvent processes are also applicable in the post-processing of 3D printed parts in additive manufacturing.

2. Conventional Degreaser Rinse: Following the soak, parts are rinsed in the clean sump of the Co-Solvent vapor degreaser, which is filled with a fluorocarbon vapor degreasing solvent. This step minimizes the re-deposition of soils, ensuring cleaner parts.

3. Vapor Zone Drying: After rinsing, parts are dried in the degreaser’s vapor zone without the need for pumps or blowers, distinguishing the Co-Solvent process from conventional aqueous cleaning methods.

Co-Solvent Systems Features and Benefits

Superior Cleaning Power: Vapor degreasing with Co-Solvent excels in cleaning organic, non-polar type soils due to the solvents’ low surface tension and viscosity. The vapor phase ensures thorough penetration into tight spaces and complex geometries, resulting in impeccable cleaning outcomes.

Space Efficiency: Co-Solvent vapor degreasing systems maximize space in facilities, requiring fewer ancillary modules compared to aqueous processes. With integrated drying features, these systems eliminate the need for additional equipment, further optimizing space utilization.

Simplicity and Control: Co-Solvent processes offer streamlined process control compared to aqueous methods. Monitoring of soil loading, acid acceptance, and filtration ensures ease of operation, while avoiding the complexities associated with aqueous processes.

Environmental Friendliness: Co-Solvent vapor degreasing consumes minimal energy and generates less noise compared to aqueous systems. Additionally, solvent waste disposal is typically less costly and more environmentally responsible than spent aqueous cleaning agents.

Additional Information

Co-Solvent vapor degreasing offers significant environmental advantages over aqueous processes, including lower energy consumption and reduced emissions. Waste solvent agents can be repurposed responsibly, minimizing environmental impact. As a completely waterless process, Co-Solvent cleaning stands as a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for precision cleaning needs.

In conclusion, Co-Solvent vapor degreasing represents a paradigm shift in precision cleaning, offering unmatched versatility, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. With Baron Blakeslee’s Co-Solvent Vapor Degreasers, industries can achieve superior cleaning outcomes while minimizing environmental footprint, setting new standards of excellence in precision cleaning technology.

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