Articles by Publisher

Disrupting the Management Model

Do you expect your company to prosper for the next year, five years and well into the future? For any CEO or business owner, that question is always on your mind. So, how exactly are you going to adapt to your changing environment and re-invent your company…

The Future of 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing

In the 1960s Star Trek television program, crew members would head into the cafeteria and push a couple of buttons on a “replicator” and within seconds they would reach into the box and pull out their meal. This was great science fiction, but could it ever be…

From Zero to Certified in One Year

In one year Life & Safety took a manufacturing facility with no safety personnel and a six month back log of unfiled documentation to being ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified. Company Overview From a single lathe in a basement to a multi-billion dollar global manufacturing company,…

Aerospace Advances; 2016 and Beyond

Now that 2015 has come to an end, it is a good time to reflect on what has happened in the aerospace cluster over the past year. The momentum South Carolina built this year resulted in a myriad of activities, but there are three areas of advancement…

6 Tips for the Retiring Manufacturing Executive

Estimating Your Retirement Income Needs You know how important it is to plan for your retirement, but where do you begin? One of your first steps should be to estimate how much income you’ll need to fund your retirement. That’s not as easy as it sounds, because…

Economist Says Investment in Barnwell County Could Have Significant Impact

In response to customer demand, a Swiss manufacturer of engineered wood products will expand its operations in Barnwell County. The Swiss Krono Group and its American subsidiary, KronotexUSA Holdings, Inc., will invest $230 million into the expansion project and could be a major shot in the arm…

Q&A: Chuck Spangler, President, SCMEP

Chuck Spangler has more than 30 years of experience in a variety of different industries, including Milliken & Company, Michelin, Willis Hosiery, and the South Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP). He has been with SCMEP for 22 years, first as a Manufacturing Specialist, then Field Manager, Chief…

Could South Carolina Be The Place?

It’s a valid question. It’s not too presumptuous to think. Why not? Could South Carolina be the home to the next supersonic commercial airplane? Perhaps this isn’t on anyone’s radar screen yet. For decades, there has been discussion of a new supersonic commercial airplane. During my Boeing…

Senator Tim Scott: Reviewing the Trans-Pacific Partnership

In South Carolina, we have seen the benefits of U.S. international trade firsthand. American trade with the world supports more than half a million jobs in our state, from family farms and small businesses to global giants like Boeing and BMW. The Port of Charleston is one…