SC Firms Visit Meyer Tool in Greenville for manufacturing-related tax advice

Meyer Tool Event Aug. 10

Having a better tax strategy can be the difference maker for South Carolina manufacturers looking to increase their existing cash flow and replenish costs from the previous year.

Chad Niehaus, John Hanning and Charles Huey of KBKG at SCMFG’s Meyer Tool Event Aug. 10

And if that weren’t enough, a capable firm, one suited to the needs of manufacturers, can help a company navigate the complex waters of the valuable R&D Tax Credit.

Ramona Farrell of GreerWalker at SCMFG’s Meyer Tool Event Aug. 10

At South Carolina Manufacturing, we are committed to linking in-state firms and their business service providers to promote transaction within our borders. Right now, the manufacturing sector in the Palmetto State is continuing to flourish and drive South Carolina’s economic engine. With the likes of Boeing, BMW, Michelin, Milliken and their swarming host of suppliers, the state’s future points to “building things”.

Last Friday, tax experts from GreerWalker and KBKG joined us at Meyer Tool in Greenville to arm South Carolina manufacturers with the proper tax strategies and credit advice to grow their businesses and enrich the state’s economy.

Event Photo Gallery


About the Author: Joe Toppe/SCMFG Founder and Editor
A graduate of Kent State University’s School of Journalism, Joe has worked in the communications field covering business and manufacturing for 15 years as a photojournalist, staff writer, editor and angel-invested business owner.

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